February 10, 2024
I have been acquainted with this feeling before.
One more errand to run.
The school project that was mentioned for the first time the night before it was due. The paper that has to be submitted before Friday at 11:59 PM.
The emails, texts, and voicemails that all need a response.
Loads of laundry that must be done. Legal and financial decisions that need to be made.
It seems that once I check off one thing from the “to-do” list, I am adding three more tasks in its place.
One more hat to wear and one more ball to juggle.
Does this sound familiar to you? I didn’t think I was alone!
It is easy to look at the things that demand our attention and feel that we are being stretched beyond our capacity or called out of our comfort zone. I have been challenged in the last few months to refocus on every area of my life–talk about life-changing.
In my time of reflection, I recalled Psalm 61:1-2, “Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayers. From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.”
As I sit quietly and rest in His presence, He reveals Himself to me.
The Rock is stable. In the midst of my ever-changing schedule and the demands that life so graciously bestows upon me, He never changes.
The Rock is secure. Although I may feel the effects of the raging winds of life, I can lean on Him and find safety in the midst of the storm.
The Rock settles me. There are times that I want to throw up my hands and SCREAM, but when I rest in Him, He brings calm and peace to an overwhelming and chaotic situation.
Life can be unpredictable and there will always be demands placed on us, but as long as we run to the Rock, we will find just what we need to complete the tasks that are placed before us.
By spending time in the presence of the Rock, we can bring the Rock into the presence of those we encounter daily.
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