Letting Go: Trading Your Plans for God’s Purpose

  1. Thank you for sharing this…I am in the process of going through things as I prepare to move. I understand the process and appreciate knowing that is just what it is; one process in the journey of grief (all types).

    • Iris Bryant says:

      Dr. Peggie, thank you for sharing this. Moving and sorting through things can be such an emotional process, and grief can show up in many forms along the way. I’m glad this resonated with you and offered some encouragement as you navigate your own process. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate this season—I’m praying for peace and strength as you move forward, one step at a time.

      • Cinda Morrisey Washington says:

        Thank you for sharing your journey. This definitely resonated with my spirit as I am still trying to navigate the passing of my mother almost 3 years ago. It took me over a year to go through her belongings. I had people tell me to “get rid” of her things immediately after her passing and in
        their words, “move on”. I was angered at the outrage of people who still had their mother telling me to “get over” losing mine. If it had not been for God I don’t know where I’d be! Your transparency is inspiring and I appreciate (need) it.

        • Iris Bryant says:

          Thank you for taking the time to comment. I am so moved by your words and having experienced the loss of a parent, I have experienced anger during this journey as well. I will never say I know how you feel, but I do know that people can be very insensitive when it comes to people who are grieving. You have encouraged me to keep sharing, because there a times when I have doubts about putting my words out before others. God has used you to encourage my heart and I am so grateful. I will keep you in my prayers as God continues to give you the strength you need to keep moving forward!

  2. Craig Howard says:

    BLESS 🙌🏾 YOU my Sister, and I pray that You continue to walk in HIS WILL! ! ! YOU ARE truly an inspiration to US ALL, and I applaud 👏🏾 You for allowing GOD to use You, and sharing your beautiful testimony with us ! ! ! To GOD 🙌🏾 BE THE GLORY! ! ! 🙏🏿😉✌🏿💖👍🏿🥰💯🙏🏿

    • Iris Bryant says:

      Thank you so much for these beautiful and encouraging words! Your support means more than you know. You’re right – all glory goes to God, who gives us the strength to share our stories even when it’s difficult. Thank you for reminding me that being vulnerable can inspire others. Your kind spirit and faith shine through your message, and I’m grateful to have you as part of this community. May God continue to bless you as well! 🙏💕

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